How to get rid of Tension Headache behind the eyes.
Tension Headaches are very common and cause a lot of discomfort. According to a recent study, 99% of women and 93% of men experience a headache at some point in their lives. The biggest contributing factor for headaches is neck pain. The headache which is a result of neck pain is known as cervicogenic headache and tension headaches
This secondary headache is caused by a disorder in another part of the body, namely, the cervical spine. Various pain-sensitive components exist in the upper neck or cervical area and at the back of the head.
Sitting in one place or position for a long time
Lifting heavy items
Slouching for a long time
Twist in the neck
Neck trauma
Bending the neck for a prolonged period
Bad sleeping posture
Symptoms of TENSION headaches
Pain in the upper neck, back, forehead and base of the skull is a typical symptom. Vision also gets blurred in some cases.
tension headache TREATMENT
If you suffer from upper back and neck pain, one of our chiropractic team at Life Balance Chiropractic Centre will work with you to establish the source of the pain before moving on to a specific treatment. A visit to the Chiropractor at Life Balance Chiropractic can be of immense help.
Click the link to learn more about how to get long-lasting headache relief without drugs, botox or surgery.
The non-moving joints are given specific gentle chiropractic adjustments to realign your spine, relieving strain from the affected parts of your back and reducing pain and improving mobility. It will feel like a weight coming off your upper back and shoulders.
headache remedies
Movement for neck pain headaches are very effective. These can be tried at home in the form of neck exercises.
- Leaning the head to the left side as if touching the left shoulder and holding for 30 seconds can give a good stretch. This exercise can be repeated for the other side.
- Another position is leaning the head forward as if trying to insert the nose in the armpit. This position should also be held for 30 seconds. It can be repeated on the other side.
A 35-year old woman was suffering from an injury to the neck during an accident. Due to constant pain at the base of the skull, tension headaches and cervicogenic headaches got triggered. She was experiencing dizziness and nausea because of the headache. With the help of Chiropractic treatment, the damaged area was gently treated and adjusted. As the stiffness in the neck muscles released with time, the intensity of the headache got reduced and she felt like she could be her again and live her life without interference.
Final Words
Apart from Headache Treatment a reduction in stress levels, increase in water intake, move more are just some things you can do.
P.S if you're on your phone or laptop all day then your headaches may be caused by this so check out how to Avoid text neck
Don’t put your life on hold because of regular headache pain!
Book online today and let us help.
P.P.S Click below to download our free headache tips to to manage your tension headaches, cervicogenic headaches and migraine symptoms safely and effectively. Click below to get your free copy. Limited amount available

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P.P.P.S If you are considering seeing a Chiropractor then make sure you don't make these 7 mistakes when choosing one.
What Is Cervicogenic Headache?